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Do you require a deposit when booking?

In order to secure us for your wedding day we do require a $1,000 deposit.

How soon after the wedding will i get my Video?

Each of your films in our collections are hand crafted to you and your wedding day. We aim for 8 - 16 weeks to deliver all of your videos in your collection.

Do you do elopements as well?

We do film elopements and would love to be apart and capture all of the special moments.

Do you travel or only stay in the PNW area?

We do travel worldwide and willing to fly wherever to capture and be apart of your wedding day.

Once i get in touch, what happens next?

Once you have contacted us, we will have a discovery call meeting that includes us getting to know your story and your relationship. We want to know who you and your story, know the things in life that you care about, and hear all of the details in the wedding planning that you have planned so far.